Monday, September 15, 2003

Why this blog?

I've been thinking about why I am curious about what I am. Clearly I'm a human being. I personally think it's likely that my current form evolved from other animals on the planet but its plausible that something created humans in their current form.

What am I?

So tempting to try to answer that in this post, but that is I guess what this whole blog is about for me. I'm reading alot of stuff right now, I've read alot of stuff too... I find that as I read and assimilate things I have an internal dialogue, small sudden realisations, insights and it is these that I wish to document here.

I think back to when I was 14, when I started T'ai chi with the local rising dragon club. I made great leaps in my understanding then of what I was and what I thought a good person was. I can't remember how I thought then, what I thought then and what my dreams were. I find also that I have forgotten and rediscovered some things. I hope that in the future I can look back at this log and see some of what I was and not lose insights.

So I guess this blog is for me, a place to put my musings on what I am, what it is to be human and whatever else my monkey mind springs to.