So whats happening now?
Ankles much improved though not 100%. The arnica cream has most certainly helped. I am intending to go to T'ai chi tomorrow night although won't be taking part in the more martial drills. Some parts of the short form are at present beyond the scope of my ankle so I will selective even in the parts of the short form that I will be doing. Still, attending will help my ankle in my opinion - doing what I can do and no more will be as far as I should go.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before but apparently there is a Taoist saying that one should do 70% of what one can do, no more. To do more, to go to 90% or 100% means one risks going to 110% or 120% should an accident occur - such may cause injury. Another instance of this statement concerns eating. Eat until you are 70% full - when too full there is no room to digest ones meal. This one I have difficulty with, being English and inclined to clear my plate at any oppurtunity. Indeed finding the 70% level is difficult. often one doesn't want to do what one is doing so 70% becomes an excuse and becomes 30%. In the case where one wants to do something then 70% easily becomes more. Perhaps then this rule is really about finding a healthy balance. A useful indicator though.
On another note I am now contributing a very little amount to charity.