Tuesday, January 06, 2004

but I will play the game

No point in going cold turkey. I must find balance, denying something doesn't feel like finding balance - but then I would say that since I want to play it.

The cold thing is interesting too. A good number of people I know don't take drugs to treat the symptoms. I do. Did. Hmm... they did help, but ultimately the activities this morning felt like they releaved the bulk of the pressure I felt in my head which ultimately was the cause of the headache and groggy feeling.

It was odd actually, the pressure felt sinusy. I don't think that breathing, focussing and waving my arms around emptied my sinuses though. If you take the chinese view it would say that there was a build of energy at this point because of the sinus issue. My activities then cleared the energy build up not my sinuses then. Thats one explanation. Perhaps just relaxing helped.

hmm... drugs or arm waving. right now I seem to think both.

I'm curious what other people use to lift colds.

not playing the game

also got rid of my cold.

woke up groggy this morning and resorted to a chi gung clearing down exercise and a bit of the reiki dry bathing and cleared my head. generally feel alot better today. Interesting that I got the cold at a time when I was largely neglecting my practice and focusing too much on playing.

looking forward to the class on thursday though, been a while and i really need to run over the short form again as I really have neglected my t'ai chi practice. Also sat watching the new episode of stargate sg-1 - an excellent series.

nice to come back to a little balance.

I will admit though that the break has improved my perspective at work and my ability to perform.