Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Odd emotional reactions n' stuff

Back when i did the reiki 1 course I recall getting spontaneously angry, just waiting for a bus - an emotional reaction quite out of character. I am now finding similar reactions. I would describe myself now as more tetchy, irritable, angry on occasion. I am reacting in my usual fashion of letting it pass or trying to but it is unusually common at this time.

There are two possible sources - works a bit more stressful at present although to be fair I have usually been able to disassociate the rest of my life from work quite easily to date. The other possible cause - and this is why I mention my reiki 1 experience, is that my current activities trying to meditate and working through the accupuncture points associated with the microcosmic orbit (taoist meditation technique) are releasing this energy, these emotions and it seems that this is to be expected.

Its an odd side effect. One wouldn't imagine that breathing and meditation techniques would have this effect. I am now more aware of feelings of pressure around some of these points and finding that I have to conciously relax and 'smile' to free myself of them.

an odd thing i thought i would share.