Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A new direction

I have in recent weeks discovered how far from my professional goals I had travelled. I have since put some more effort into cpd activities with the BCS and also into reading directed at improving my ability to perform my job.

I have read some interesting texts around leadership, motivating others, why people work. This in itself has been quite a journey for myself as I've discovered obvious factors articulated clearly that have affected my own motivation and that of my team over the past few months. I am also a little clearer on how being present - so crucial to many Taoist and Zen practices - benefits ones work. I have also found a guide to when one should look at the past and the future.

I started this blog to both record my thoughts and give me a place to articulate and construct these thoughts. I still need that even though I haven't found time lately to add new posts. I hope to rectify this as I describe my findings from my recent studies.