Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Opening style

Still I am learning new things about the simplest part of the t'ai chi form. Its got a number of names not least of which is "Opening Style". To the observer it looks as if the body stays still or sinks a bit and the wrists are raised in an arc in front, to just below shoulder height, drawn back towards the body and then the palms are pushed towards the ground. simple eh?

well, yes and no.

I read somewhere, think it was a guide to the 24-forms form, that this simple exercise is the first one taught to the shaolin monks and that there are many disciplines where the initial step is to repeat this exercise 10s, 100s, 1000s of times. So whats so special?

I've so far heard two interpretations of what the exponents energy should be doing when doing this exercise.
1. From a Yang/shaolin stylist
The chi or focus is drawn to the top most part of the forearm as the arm is raised. Then drawn to the underside or palm as it is dropped.

2. from B.K.Franzis - a wu stylist
When the hands are almost level with the shoulders and in front of the right and left channels (referring to the channels that connect the accupuncture points) then the fingers are extended sligtly, weight is shifted to the ball of the foot and energy is drawn up through the body and projected from the fingers. As the hands are drawn back to the body the energy is drawn in. (don't try this without reading his books or having a teacher familiar with energy arts - the headaches and symptons of incorrect practice are most irritating).

The latter is reminiscent of what I've read of bone marrow nei-kung.

One form or movement of many and there is so much written of it. most odd.
Certainly t'ai chi is a many layered art.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Very cool blog!
This is written by the guy who first introduced me to wu-dang style t'ai chi.

Monday, July 12, 2004

S700i phone

Product promotion selector

Found a new toy. My P800 is starting to feel a little old so I think I'll be waiting for this little chap to come out in the shops.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

Bit of a techy thing here, but I really need to spend some more time looking at css technology and looking at my site at craigbeattie.com.

Also - just trying out the blogger button on the google toolbar!