Sunday, December 18, 2005

nice wrist tattoo

At least i thought so

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Escape Adulthood

Interesting blog from a sun chap:
Escape Adulthood: " Every now and then, I get somebody who asks me why I blog. 'What's in it for you' they'll ask. Quite a while ago, I tried to answer this, but at that time I missed one very good reason. It's the occasional nice email I received complementing me on my blog...."

Friday, December 09, 2005

gotta love it - Holy potato set to wow eBay

Holy potato set to wow eBay: "Crucifix appears in humble spud Verily, the Lord moveth in mysterious ways, and nowhere has his mysteriousness manifested itself more clearly than in the land of fruits and nuts. Read on:?"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

use of flickr

Given my recent interest in web 2.0 and all that I had a look at Good functional website that I think. The link on the right re: photos takes you there but here's a link too:

The sedlen family

I've finally got my finger out and got in touch with some old friends. Young Dave and family are doing well - for those that know him there's a web site at

so many young families around at the mo :)