Friday, November 26, 2004

At the end of the long form

So now I have a reasonable grasp of the Wu dang long form in both the square and round styles (although much practice is still needed - particularly for section six). I find now though that when I am practicing the form it is different. Even doing part of it now I find that I grow warm, draw a sweat from my body and finish feeling as if I have done some serious exercise although I am left not feeling tired.

An odd phenomenon. I wonder if others find this to be the case.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Wudang style single hand pushing hands

Thought I'd write a quick note on this (since I forgot).
In the Yang style t'ai chi styles I've studied the single hand pushing hands form has been done at just below shoulder level. In this case you push from the shoulder of the pushing hand towards the centre and yielding towards the opposite shoulder of your opponent.
In wudang style the push is directed towards the opponents hip on the same side as the pushing hand. The yield then is directed to the hip on the opposite side.

In the case of the Yang style this is an example of two of the first four powers - ji and lu. The ji is directed at the opponents centre and the opponent is forced to lu (yield or roll back) and direct the force away in order to maintain their balance.
In wudang it is again an exercise in ji and lu, however in this case the exercise strengthens and flexes the kua (the inguinal crease in the hip joint). It is the kua that allows someone to bend at the hips without bending the spine.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

One-to-one tuition

Today I had a private lesson from my teacher who first introduced me to Wudang style tai chi. Wudang is a name chosen to imply the heritage from the Wu family style but to show that it is a different style (very similar though).

The chap who's teaching me has an web site at if you want to know more about Wudang style or practical taichi have a look at

Today I went through the first section of the long form again. I haven't been practicing the square form recently (a training version of the long form) and this activity showed me that my posture and the accuracy of my form needs to be addressed.

I must practice.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Sword bag??

I now own a hockey stick bag for my sabre too.

Will get some practice this weekend methinks.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Got a sword

Got a sabre to be precise, know the first 5 or 6 moves of the sabre form.

Looking at some personal tuition to get the wudang long form learnt and nailed. Any thoughts welcome.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

wooden sword ordered

So, life t'ai chi wise is progressing well i think.

The class however is a little too scattered for me to learn the long form effectively and I wonder if I'll have similar issues with the weapons forms. I am now looking through Dan Docherty's book on t'ai chi and this coupled with following others through the form is proving fruitful. I am intending to write a little here about the wudang style Da Lu I've been learning but I've yet to start this. I'm also looking forward to the up coming workshops in london and hope to attend my first in september!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

wooden swords and service oriented architectures


my lifes pretty odd.
Anyhow currently looking at buying a practice sabre to practice the sabre form. Also looking around for a class to consolidate my form training.

On a different note been looking at service oriented architectures. Found some blueprints so looking to read through those soon.

Still also trying to get throught the Tony Buzan books - I'll whack a link in for those later.

really must update this more.

oo... Mind, body and kick ass moves is pretty amusing.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Opening style

Still I am learning new things about the simplest part of the t'ai chi form. Its got a number of names not least of which is "Opening Style". To the observer it looks as if the body stays still or sinks a bit and the wrists are raised in an arc in front, to just below shoulder height, drawn back towards the body and then the palms are pushed towards the ground. simple eh?

well, yes and no.

I read somewhere, think it was a guide to the 24-forms form, that this simple exercise is the first one taught to the shaolin monks and that there are many disciplines where the initial step is to repeat this exercise 10s, 100s, 1000s of times. So whats so special?

I've so far heard two interpretations of what the exponents energy should be doing when doing this exercise.
1. From a Yang/shaolin stylist
The chi or focus is drawn to the top most part of the forearm as the arm is raised. Then drawn to the underside or palm as it is dropped.

2. from B.K.Franzis - a wu stylist
When the hands are almost level with the shoulders and in front of the right and left channels (referring to the channels that connect the accupuncture points) then the fingers are extended sligtly, weight is shifted to the ball of the foot and energy is drawn up through the body and projected from the fingers. As the hands are drawn back to the body the energy is drawn in. (don't try this without reading his books or having a teacher familiar with energy arts - the headaches and symptons of incorrect practice are most irritating).

The latter is reminiscent of what I've read of bone marrow nei-kung.

One form or movement of many and there is so much written of it. most odd.
Certainly t'ai chi is a many layered art.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Very cool blog!
This is written by the guy who first introduced me to wu-dang style t'ai chi.

Monday, July 12, 2004

S700i phone

Product promotion selector

Found a new toy. My P800 is starting to feel a little old so I think I'll be waiting for this little chap to come out in the shops.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

Bit of a techy thing here, but I really need to spend some more time looking at css technology and looking at my site at

Also - just trying out the blogger button on the google toolbar!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Odd emotional reactions n' stuff

Back when i did the reiki 1 course I recall getting spontaneously angry, just waiting for a bus - an emotional reaction quite out of character. I am now finding similar reactions. I would describe myself now as more tetchy, irritable, angry on occasion. I am reacting in my usual fashion of letting it pass or trying to but it is unusually common at this time.

There are two possible sources - works a bit more stressful at present although to be fair I have usually been able to disassociate the rest of my life from work quite easily to date. The other possible cause - and this is why I mention my reiki 1 experience, is that my current activities trying to meditate and working through the accupuncture points associated with the microcosmic orbit (taoist meditation technique) are releasing this energy, these emotions and it seems that this is to be expected.

Its an odd side effect. One wouldn't imagine that breathing and meditation techniques would have this effect. I am now more aware of feelings of pressure around some of these points and finding that I have to conciously relax and 'smile' to free myself of them.

an odd thing i thought i would share.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

a new understanding of chi gung

chi gung and the whole taoist meditation has been a bit of a side hobby for me, that is to say an interest brought about by my interest in t'ai chi. Anyhow, I'm starting (I think) to get a good academic grounding in the early stages of developing energy and to a degree how it relates to t'ai chi. Starting to... after about 14 years.

What have I learnt recently?

Well, I've read the first two chapters of a book by mantak chia called: bone marrow nei kung. This is the largely secret art of enhancing your bone marrow, blood and body by focusing on the bones.

I've learnt a few things from these first few chapters. Firstly, and this is an odd one, I'm not ready to read it. Sounds mad doesn't it? The content discusses how one should move ones focus, ones concentration around your body to bring about certain changes. Now imagine you're reading a book that says focus on your belly button - try reading that without doing it! I couldn't I'll admit, I was reading passages and finding that at some points I was having a go without meaning to. A fairly meaty headache told me I wasn't doing things quite right - but the book has spurred me on to practice some of the basics first before gathering all the knowledge I can.

An interesting lesson.

So this is why things are not taught before you're ready - cos you're not ready!!!! marvelous.

What else did I learn?


well, its not all magic. its based on simple things, meditation and using the bodies hormones to grow.

i'll leave it there for now methinks

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Without diligent practice you cannot suddenly understand

Thats a quote from one of the t'ai chi classics - a set of texts concerning t'ai chi that were found some time ago. If you're interested have a look at the wudang site.

I have had a few occasions to re-read texts on chi gung and some simple taoist exercises of late and discovered that I had not understood them. I've gone on to read them again and found again that I did not understand them. Perhaps I will have to read the same text and practice the same thing a thousand times and I will understand. Clearly I am not ready to really listen to the message.

On that note I discovered what is meant by "listen to the sound of one hand clapping". Quite interesting. It's a meditative listening exercise. Once you have listened to all the created sounds, all that is, then you will hear the uncreated sound - that which isn't - the sound of one hand clapping. wierd idea. there's a name for the sound - AUM.

So, my academic understanding of all this stuff has improved.

Has my practice? Well - I just practiced an exercise I've been doing since I was 14 and this time it was different, uncomfy a little - my belly felt full and distended like a balloon had been inflated in there. With no taoist master and an academic path relying on books I must try to find out what this means. Perhaps I should ask for help.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Reading - lost in translation

The feet can walk; let them walk.
The hands can hold; let them hold.
Hear what is heard by your ears;
see what is seen by your eyes.


borrowed from page a day calendars.

I've read a lot lately. It's occured to me that I may have a good academic understanding of the a few of the essential principals but I have had difficulty applying them. To say I have an academic understanding for me, I guess means I have a detached, non-practical understanding. This in itself is part of why I'm interested in T'ai chi - particularly the martial applications.

Perhaps this is why so many of these philosophers were martial artists and warriors. In the heat of battle if you are uncertain of the path then you pause, you decide what the thing to do is and then do it, rather than simply doing it.

One of the key elements is to be present. I believe this is referred to by the last two lines above - hear what is heard by your ears; see what is seen by your eyes. This also alludes to another key principal - don't let your conscious mind alter what you see. A child is present - in the moment, not worried about things done and what is to come. Also, a child experiences the true moment - far more than an adult. As an adult I will listen to what someone says but will not remember that - I will remember my analysis, my interpretation based on schemata (to use a cognitive psychology term) in my conscious mind.

So these two simple lines that would most likely make people chuckle at their simplicity represent two of the hardest things I am trying to learn and I have it seems failed.

I believed I had an ability to be present - you must in order to practice T'ai chi well. After reading a book called "The present" it occurred to me that while I have the ability - I don't do it! How bizarre is that? I know what it is, the benefits and yet I distract myself when I should be present.

I have also discovered that when I am present I am not good at listening - be it by ear, eye, touch or all my senses. I hear, see and feel but through the veil of my conciousness. It is this in part that leads to me being chucked around rather easily in the free-style pushing hands sparring I've started taking part in on Thursday nights. A martial demonstration of my mental discipline.

I now find that perhaps I don't understand the whole verse. I have an idea what part of it means but as you can read above - and with some irony - I read the verse and interpreted the part my consciousness was able to interpret and didn't analyze the rest till now.


Monday, May 31, 2004

went to see "when harry met sally..." show

Its been a good weekend. went to see when harry met sally and met Alexis Denisof and Alyson Hannigan. Oh, and Luke Perry was there too.

That was a very cool show. lots of fun.

T'ai chi was good this week. Started practicing a little pilates - see how it goes.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

evanescence gig and sherlock holmes

Went to see evanescence on monday night - damn fine show. There were certain key tracks that really got to me and were done beautifully. In particular I got that whole goosebumps listening to the music thing when the My Immortal track played, most odd, seemed to invoke some emotion in me and it was almost like a catharsis. Indeed Aristotle coined the term to describe "the emotional effect of a tragic drama upon the spectator". A great experience. I may try to whack a few pics in here shortly.

OO, and took my other half round baker street on the way back yesterday to have a look at some of the sherlock holmes stuff.

good day.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

time passes

its been a short week at work with much done in it. Good work too, got to play with much of the j2ee software stack. Also attended a very enlightening lecture by david cook, top chap in the bcs. exciting times.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Taichi again tonight

Tried a few new things out. good class - much fun and i haven't crippled myself. Most exciting.

Just ordered Macromedia Studio MX 2004 so hopefully there'll be some more web development from me on the way.

A weekend of bathroom decorating beckons.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Making time

So I'm playing games a little less, reading a little more and making time for a few bits and bobs. Still not practicing as much as I probably should but hey, I'll get there. Just recently got all the way through the Wudang style short form in t'ai chi - the square form. I should explain. In Wudang there are two styles to every form - square and round. Square can be thought of as a teaching style - simplified and broken down into steps, while round is how it was intended to be. So now I know the short form in square and the first (of six) section of the long form in square and round. A way to go yet but getting there.

Still intending to write here about the books. Will get to it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

A new direction

I have in recent weeks discovered how far from my professional goals I had travelled. I have since put some more effort into cpd activities with the BCS and also into reading directed at improving my ability to perform my job.

I have read some interesting texts around leadership, motivating others, why people work. This in itself has been quite a journey for myself as I've discovered obvious factors articulated clearly that have affected my own motivation and that of my team over the past few months. I am also a little clearer on how being present - so crucial to many Taoist and Zen practices - benefits ones work. I have also found a guide to when one should look at the past and the future.

I started this blog to both record my thoughts and give me a place to articulate and construct these thoughts. I still need that even though I haven't found time lately to add new posts. I hope to rectify this as I describe my findings from my recent studies.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

more friends are mums and dads

A couple who are good old friends from bristol have just had their first baby. Thomas Sedlen was born 10:58 on friday.

very cool :D

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

reinstalled computers

well, thats xp installed on my puter again.
seems to run pretty quick - can't tell if thats just the SATA-150 or the RAID-0 stripe.

Just watching a bit of Eliza Dushkus (imdb) new series - tru calling. Interesting premise - groundhog day meets sixth sense. Suffers a bit too much from gratuitous shots of eliza running around the city - she really needs a car or a cycle but beyond that it's look pretty cool.

Birthday today i've had. quiet thing and perhaps deliberately - an excuse for donuts tomorrow though so thats cool :D

I now have a hoard of DVDs to watch too - still collecting more than watching but i'll get there. for now, watching telly and playing too many games :)

currently playing unreal tournament 2004 too much.

also - distinct lack of practice over the past few weeks of t'ai chi free thursdays.

Monday, April 05, 2004

my word its been a while

Well, it certainly seems that distractions are happily keeping me from doing things I used to think were important. These things are still important but with less time due to time spent at work and an ever increasing desire to play and have fun, well, it seems sitting and writing a little about what I've been doing has gone out the window.

So what have i been doing?

Playing unreal tournament 2004 (see below). Been talking to my sis a lot since my nephew was born. Been going to t'ai chi though not last week and this week is my other halfs birthday. Got two SATA drives and RAID-0'd those, will be reinstalling my OS in the coming weekend.

What else? erm. oh, found an excellent tea site.

will write more soon....

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I'm an uncle!!!!

My wee nephew was born today (well, friday 19th) at 2.43pm weighing in at 2lbs 6oz. Little fellas healthy but will be in hospital a while until he's big enough to go home. all cool. sis is well too.

sweet dude.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

went to t'ai chi thursday night

ankle held up well but i seem to have removed a layer of skin while doing some of the punch pad drills - doh!

I think people are starting to wonder why i am following a hobby that injures me so much. Really must find out what I doing wrong there, clearly I am bad at punching!- punching? how hard can it be? ho hum.

still good class. i am really not very fit and have a long way to go before i am anything like good at freestyle pushing hands. Theres apparently a competition next month that i would like to see but its the 4th of april which is already double booked in my calendar :(

lots of other stuff i have to report but thats for another time i think.

Friday, February 27, 2004

chinese meal

as it turns out i went for a nice chinese meal last night, although woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine. These thankfully are rare now but I'm not sure what it was... likely the food I guess

ankles feeling better today though


Thursday, February 26, 2004

I find myself hesitant

After a morning wondering around London going to various meetings and an afternoon at my desk I find that my ankle is complaining. I think the outside tendon is currently lightly stretched and is displeased about it. I am hesitant about going to T'ai chi tonight and concerned that the hesitation is simply laziness masked as concern. I am tired though and my ankle is not great - a third week away from the class would seem advisable.

Is this 30% out of laziness or avoiding 120% with good reason? The latter I think.

Ho hum. Will rest my ankle this evening and practice this weekend.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Been a while huh?

So whats happening now?

Ankles much improved though not 100%. The arnica cream has most certainly helped. I am intending to go to T'ai chi tomorrow night although won't be taking part in the more martial drills. Some parts of the short form are at present beyond the scope of my ankle so I will selective even in the parts of the short form that I will be doing. Still, attending will help my ankle in my opinion - doing what I can do and no more will be as far as I should go.

I don't know if I have mentioned this before but apparently there is a Taoist saying that one should do 70% of what one can do, no more. To do more, to go to 90% or 100% means one risks going to 110% or 120% should an accident occur - such may cause injury. Another instance of this statement concerns eating. Eat until you are 70% full - when too full there is no room to digest ones meal. This one I have difficulty with, being English and inclined to clear my plate at any oppurtunity. Indeed finding the 70% level is difficult. often one doesn't want to do what one is doing so 70% becomes an excuse and becomes 30%. In the case where one wants to do something then 70% easily becomes more. Perhaps then this rule is really about finding a healthy balance. A useful indicator though.

On another note I am now contributing a very little amount to charity.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

And now???

well, foot swelled up totally on friday. most impressive. difficult to walk since thursday evening.

the swelling diminished over the past few days to reveal some mean bruises! first appeared on the inside of my foot, then on the outside around monday. Finally some bruises appeared on my toes.

walking has become progressively easier and I'm currently walking at about toddler pace.

I have just popped some arnica cream on and an hour later have improved flexibility in the joint. COOL!

oddly a chap at the t'ai chi class offered me a tincture of arnica at the end of the class when I hurt myself and I turned him down, saying I had some - pride got in the way there. This could well have reduced the healing time had I taken him up on the offer but like many men I dislike being in debt to someone (except possibly faceless credit card companies, loan companies, banks, etc. )

Lessons to learn again.

In other news I now own an Xbox with project gotham 2 and battle engine aquila. My obsession with computer games continues.

Just sat watching jake 2.0 on the telly too - seems like it could be a good series.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

so what happened?

well, we were doing a technique where person A punches, person B blocks and controls person A - then sweeps their legs from under them. Done it loads of times, this time I was person A, my right leg was swept - body twisted round as usual, foot didn't move as usual :(

loud crunching noise

not actually loud, sounded loud to me. like snapping celery. bleurgh.

warm feeling in ankle, 5 minutes later difficulty standing on it.

why did the foot not move? a few reasons, me tired, me unprepared a bit, lack of practice, lack of warming up joints. hmm...

many lessons to learn.
sleep. practice. warm up.

as I frequently say, the path is easy to see but its easy not to follow it.

lack of practice takes its toll

so, er, sprained my ankle at t'ai chi this evening.


Saturday, January 31, 2004


I have in the past week grown a little curious about sufism. My first exposure was probably in the film "Romancing the stone". I recall a group of warriors for want of a better term, with a joy of life and a particular outlook.

The thing that brought this to mind was an entry in my "zen - page a day calendar". The specific saying was:
Love the pitcher less,
and the water more.

Cool huh? A very poetic was of saying don't judge a book by its cover and yet so much more. So often we look at the shell of things, yet it is its contents, its purpose, the ordinary thing that nourishes us. One could imagine this being used to describe choosing a partner, don't love the way someone looks, rather what is within, for it is that which support you and help you grow.

It occurred to me at that point I didn't know much about sufism. So, I have ordered a book on the subject (The Shambhala Guide to Sufism) and hunted around the internet a bit too...

from my limited perspective so far i find it interesting. An Islamic tradition that seeks to find purity of mind/spirit by becoming and accepting God, a death of self if you like and the acceptance of something without into oneself. An interesting theme and it seems to me there is much history of wisdom in this tradition.

Monday, January 26, 2004

went back to reading up on taoist practice...

I had in the past considered internal alchemy to be the path for me. I knew it to be a long drawn out process that starts out refining and strengthening ones body and then developing an er, energy body I guess you could call it. I have now finished one of the principal chapters on these techniques and find that they aren't what I thought. Thats not true, they are but to do these things, to become that person I would have to become something I don't want to be. At least not at this time.

Still the internal strength stuff sounds cool - absolutely have to get better at finding time to practice though by crikey! Finding? One makes time for important things. I must make time for this if it is indeed important.

Things to do though...

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Lost its track

Reading back through this blog i think its obvious that its track, train of thought or path or whatever has become a little bit distracted for want of a better word. Clearly then, so have I.

I guess I have covered most of the topics discussed in my first post but I do feel I am spending more time on games and toys now than I was before Christmas. I note that in mid-December I would look into the whole give as you earn charitable donation thing - a simple first step to contributing to the world and being a bit of a better person. This I haven't done either. Better do that this week, it is important to me but I seem to be easily distracted by acquiring things and my responsibilities at work. Actually I have discussed before the Taoist view on acquisitiveness. It is harder to go and do the right thing if you are anchored down by belongings. Each thing I buy adds to my responsibilities, my commitment to maintain it and drains on my resources - I am aware of this. However some of these things give me a freedom - purchasing my house feels like it is in this camp. It is by far the largest anchor and commitment I have but it frees me from concerns about where I will live and what if the rent rises etc. Acquisitive I am though.

One thing I have been able to do is share my belongings of late. A friend has recently bought a DVD player and is going through our collection of DVD's, similarly I have lent a number of terry pratchett books out - which by the way are superb. I'll stick one of my ubiquitous ads at the bottom of the post.

I intend to practice my t'ai chi today. I'll post at the end of the day and let you know how I got on.

happy Chinese new year BTW!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2004


just finished it!
was most fun

played all the way through as an elemental mage. now, could play again as a different type of character, try the internet or move on to war of the ring, the next game i had lined up.
Internet i tried, not fun. the simply gamespy interface just isn't enough - the way blizzard did it in warcraft three is just superb. not so here I'm afraid. no no.
playing again as another character sounds fun, might do that later but war of the ring beckons.

wierd blog this, now i have clearly let games and computer bits cloud my path. well, for today at least.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Got me a printer

so thats the techy gadgets bought for this quarter methinks.
Odd blog this - I should have called it the tao for computer techie nerd type folks

Its Friday!!!!

As usual - had many thoughts and I only have time for, er well none, gotta go to work.
T'ai chi was fun last night - still need to practice moving, breathing, watching my balance, listening to the opponent all at the same time. tricky..

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

ordered the printer

so er, there you go.

not practiced my t'ai chi though. maybe after star gate sg-1 has finished on the telly...

Saturday, January 17, 2004


just got a new toy! the logitech quickcam messenger.

Cost me 28.99 - sweet dude.
Next thing will be a printer me thinks. seen a nice hp one I have... might come up in the ad below:

Thursday, January 15, 2004

thats another fine class you've gotten me into....

T'ai chi was good tonight. Did a variant of the single hand pushing hands which was interesting. Designed as a flexibility exercise I think - something I've lost some of as well as the strength in my legs.

must practice..

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


off to bed

done well-ish today. rabbits clean, up a bit too late, spent some quality time with my other half, now to bed - bit late but to bed with me. T'ai chi tomorrow - cool

Tuesday, January 13, 2004


I'm having issues staying awake at work. I think this is largely due to lack of sleep as one might expect - sleep more is the obvious answer!

obvious, easy - so why am I tired? The tiredness is a symptom, so what is the problem? Am I sleeping badly?? No, when I go to bed I am asleep pretty quick - partly due to my actively trying to stay relaxed in life.

So why? In spite of the fact that I am working, need to be awake and alert, I am choosing not to go to sleep in enough time.

Why? Perhaps there are too many demands on my time? Indeed, I have a house to look after, many pets whom I am responsible for, a partner I live with, family, work to do.

It is sadly not these that keep me awake but simply my compulsion to play games. It occurs to me now that work is not the only duty/responsibility that I have been neglecting. I have tonight cleaned out the fishies - bless 'em, but I ought to have done it a couple of weeks ago. The others could do with attention too. I need to address this soon.

I am facing the effects of an addiction here, to a small and inconsequential degree. I have spent to much time doing something. As a consequence I have not been what I should have been to those around me. I am not the one affected yet, but it is adversely affecting those around me in whom I have an interest and care about. In time this would lead to their alienation and ultimately to an unhappy lonely me.

My lack of practice at t'ai chi and other meditation techniques has left me lacking in my ability to concentrate and lack of sleep more susceptible to lack of concentration.

I am still tempted to spend an hour playing tonight, although i doubt i could do that until after 11pm. That would mean midnight, or knowing how I play, 12.30am. This is how it happens, easy.

early to bed, early to rise - makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise....

the path is clear, but its so easy not to follow it...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

A weekend away

Just back from Brighton. My other half fancied a night away so we stopped down there.
Nice it was. The sea life centre is cool.

Anyhow, so am I still addicted? I believe that was my focus recently. Going back to work had the effect I expected, in that it calmed matters, although I have probably played it 4 or 5 days out of the seven this week. This is of course a massive improvement.

T'ai chi was good Thursday although I performed quite badly in the free-style pushing hands. A testament to my lack of practice. I would have whipped their butts at spellforce of course but er... well. Good game though, the story line is quite reasonable and the gameplay keeps me entertained for hours on end. I'll stick an ad in for you at the bottom.

Amusing, I remember talking to a 14 year old a month or two ago and I asked what he wanted to do with his life. He replied that he wanted to play playstation 2 games. I thought to myself this is what's wrong with society, kids don't want to contribute, don't want to work, just play games. hmm.... Perhaps he was simply honest about what he wanted to do with his life than I am. Given the opportunity, it seems I too would spend all my time playing games.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

but I will play the game

No point in going cold turkey. I must find balance, denying something doesn't feel like finding balance - but then I would say that since I want to play it.

The cold thing is interesting too. A good number of people I know don't take drugs to treat the symptoms. I do. Did. Hmm... they did help, but ultimately the activities this morning felt like they releaved the bulk of the pressure I felt in my head which ultimately was the cause of the headache and groggy feeling.

It was odd actually, the pressure felt sinusy. I don't think that breathing, focussing and waving my arms around emptied my sinuses though. If you take the chinese view it would say that there was a build of energy at this point because of the sinus issue. My activities then cleared the energy build up not my sinuses then. Thats one explanation. Perhaps just relaxing helped.

hmm... drugs or arm waving. right now I seem to think both.

I'm curious what other people use to lift colds.

not playing the game

also got rid of my cold.

woke up groggy this morning and resorted to a chi gung clearing down exercise and a bit of the reiki dry bathing and cleared my head. generally feel alot better today. Interesting that I got the cold at a time when I was largely neglecting my practice and focusing too much on playing.

looking forward to the class on thursday though, been a while and i really need to run over the short form again as I really have neglected my t'ai chi practice. Also sat watching the new episode of stargate sg-1 - an excellent series.

nice to come back to a little balance.

I will admit though that the break has improved my perspective at work and my ability to perform.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

I am an addict!!

I am addicted to spell force. Looked up the definition on as is often my wont and this is what I found:

ad·dict P Pronunciation Key (-dkt)
tr.v. ad·dict·ed, ad·dict·ing, ad·dicts

  1. To cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance: The thief was addicted to cocaine.
  2. To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively: The child was addicted to video games.

  1. n. One who is addicted, as to narcotics or a compulsive activity.
  2. A devoted adherent; a fan: We are all... addicts of change (Christopher Lasch).

Wow, the child was addicted to video games. To occupy oneself with something compulsively. Every spare minute I get to myself has sadly been spent on spellforce. It all began a wee while ago. I got really into warcraft 3 and was playing that a great deal - a fun and good game and in multiplayer far superior to spell force. I took some time off over Christmas as I was required to take my holiday. I had visions of me meditating and practicing t'ai chi in the garden during this time but this has not come to fruition. Poor weather and cat/dog doodoo in the garden put me off outdoor pursuits and so I was left practicing indoors - this soon diminished to a token effort though as I picked up homeworld 2, a game purchased some months before but that i hadn't played because I had been playing warcraft 3 incessantly. Homeworld 2 soon fell, completing it in several days but my thirst was not quenched - a new challenge please!

Now I have come to spell force. A game similar to the others but you get a principle character - an avatar. The more you play the more powerful you get. Where can I take this character, so many new challenges, so much to learn and do. A challenging game with just enough rewards to keep me playing far longer than I should.

I am sat here writing this in part to pull me away, but in truth I don't wish to stop playing - maybe play a little less before I lose all contact with the outside world.

Still, life is returning to normal, I'm back at work and t'ai chi class starts again in a week.

Truly my Christmas and new year have been a time of self indulgence.